Some presentations I gave:

  • Coarse geometry of quasi-transitive graphs [slides]
    10th Polish Combinatorial Conference (2024)
  • Introduction to graph streaming algorithms (for non specialists, in french) [slides]
    Journées CALAMAR 2024 (online)
  • Minor exclusion in quasi-transitive graphs [slides] [slides2]
    Rauzy Seminar, FRUMAM Marseille (2023)
    JGA 2023, Université Lyon 1
    LoGAlg 2023, Warsawa
    GREYC Caen, Algorithmic seminar (2023)
    Eurocomb 2023, Praha
    Université Paris-Saclay, GALAC team seminar (2023)
    Universität Hamburg, Discrete mathematics team seminar (2023)
  • Twin-width V: linear minors, modular counting and matrix multiplication [slides]
    STACS 2023, Hamburg
    JGA 2022, ENS Paris
  • Twin-width IV and V: ordered structures, modular counting and matrix multiplication [slides]
    Umeå University, Discrete mathematics team seminar (online, 2023)
    G-SCOP Grenoble, OC team seminar (2023)
  • Twin-width IV: ordered graphs and matrices [slides]
    2nd Workshop Complexity and Algorithms, CoA 2022, IHP Paris
  • Graphs with convex balls[slides]
    MGT 2021, CIRM Marseille
    JGA 2021 (online)
    LIS Marseille, ACRO team seminar (online) (2021)

You can find [here] my PhD defense’s slides.