I am mainly interested in Graph theory, and more specifically I love graph problems involving a topological intuition. A few topics I am working on: Cayley graphs, geometric group theory, canonical tree-decompositions, twin-width, universal covering, evasiveness of graph properties, small cancellation theory, fractional colouring of graphs.
Preprints Period-rigidity of one-relator groups [arXiv] Solène J. Esnay, U.G., Etienne Moutot A note on the structure of locally finite planar quasi-transitive graphs [arXiv] U.G. Periodic colorings and orientations in infinite graphs [arXiv] Tara Abrishami, Louis Esperet, U.G., Matthias Hamann, Paul Knappe, Rögnvaldur G. Möller. Journal and Conference Publications Coarse geometry of quasi-transitive graphs beyond planarity [arXiv] Louis Esperet, U.G. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 31(2), P2.41 (2024).
Some presentations I gave: Coarse geometry of quasi-transitive graphs [slides] JGA 2024, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon 10th Polish Combinatorial Conference (2024) Introduction to graph streaming algorithms (for non specialists, in french) [slides] Journées CALAMAR 2024 (online) Minor exclusion in quasi-transitive graphs [slides] [slides2] Rauzy Seminar, FRUMAM Marseille (2023) JGA 2023, Université Lyon 1 LoGAlg 2023, Warsawa GREYC Caen, Algorithmic seminar (2023) G-SCOP Grenoble, OC team seminar (2023) Eurocomb 2023, Praha